Wasp Logo & Branding (North Pole Engineering)
In early Spring of 2015, North Pole Engineering was about to come out with an newer version of their wireless communication bridge device. It's name---Wasp. NPE needed a completely new look for the Wasp after deciding the older version of the logo---an abstract looking image of a wasp that didn't relate much to their engineering cliental---wouldn't garner much excitement for the upcoming release. That's where I came in. After designing many variations to choose from, they decided to go with my geometric wasp logo. Once that was settled, the rest of the branding went full steam ahead. Device decals, web layouts, e-mail blasts, and more needed to include the new look. You'll see some of those materials below. For more info on their Wasp product: http://www.npe-inc.com/products/products-wasp-technology.html
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